Social Services
There are 25 Kindergarten-Cum-Nurseries (KCN) under the Po Leung Kuk Social Services (Child Care Services) throughout Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, and the New Territories, providing a wide range of long whole-day child care and education servicesfor children across the districts. The Child Care Services emphasises “child-centred” education and adopts mixed-age teaching, encouraging children of different ages to learn from each other. In conjunction with the Space Approach, the programmes create diverse spaces for children to learn through play, thus laying a solid foundation for their growth and development.
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Teaching Characteristics of KCN︰
- Whole-person development is the mainstay of our programme, where children are provided with academic, physical, creative music and art activities on a daily basis.
- Biliteracy and trilingualism are emphasised, supported by an effective reading scheme in both English and Chinese.
- The school premises are divided into four main zones, including the Communication Zone, the Exploration Zone, the Visual Arts Zone, and the Motion Zone, to encourage children to explore vigorously in different areas, cultivate the spirit of self-learning, and nurture the nine universal learning competencies (Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Numeracy, Research, Problem Solving, Self-Management, Critical Thinking, and the Use of Information Technology).
- Theme-based teaching allows children to deepen their learning in different areas and consolidate their knowledge through well-designed teaching aids.
- Progressive assessment is adopted to continuously evaluate children’s learning progress and their physical and psychological development. Teaching strategies are flexibly adapted to meet children’s learning needs.
- Each child has an individual portfolio to systematically record and collect his/her performance and work in class activities for regular reporting to parents.
- Occasional Child Care Services and Extended Hours Services are provided in all schools to facilitate the particular requirements of double-income parents or families.
Tuition Fee︰
There are 12 instalments in a year. Fees are subject to approval by the Education Bureau and will be adjusted annually. Parents may apply to the Student Finance Office (SFO) of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA) for tuition subsidies if necessary.
Meal Arrangements︰
Each school has its own kitchen to provide a varied and balanced breakfast, lunch, fruit, and afternoon refreshments daily. Parents may contact the school if children need special dietary arrangements (e.g., food taboos).
How to Apply for Admission︰
- Children aged 12 months or above can apply for admission.
- Parents can visit the schools in person or download the application form from the schools’ websites. Applications are accepted all year round and are free of charge.
- When submitting the application form, please enclose 2 self-addressed envelopes, each affixed with HK$3.7 stamps, and send them to the school of your choice.
- Parents are required to apply for the “2024/25 Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission” from September to November 2023 from the Education Bureau. Please refer to the EDB website for details.
- After submitting the application form, schools will arrange for admission according to the order of the applications, and no interview will be conducted.